"I was wounded by an enemy hand grenade in Baghdad Iraq in late 2006, during the attack one of my soldiers gave his life to protect our team and died in my arms. I have lived with PTSD for over 8 years now, night terrors, cold sweats, sleep-loss, fear of large crowd/cities/places, certain sounds or smells trigger a deep pain, anger, depression and many other painful symptoms. There have been highs and lows but with a heightened sense of awareness the lows are very low, Depression and anger can lead to thoughts of death and suicide.
Over the past 8 years I have learned many tricks to identifying my triggers and learned many copping skills, but I have also had relapse’s that have set me back years. One of my largest breakthroughs has come by allowing certain people into my life that care and listen when I’m hurt, this is how I met Heather Sliwinsky, she has been there for me through many bad years and good ones as well. Its people like Heather that are saving lives behind the scenes so to speak. There has been several time Heather has saved my life just by caring about me and she probably had no idea that I was torn apart inside, other times she most certainly knew I was in bad shape. When a warrior is hurt inside he doesn’t always show it and usually doesn’t ask for help, but listening to us talk over the phone at 2 am, or calling just to say hello Heather finds a way to reach us and show us how huge her heart is. I will have many more struggles and many dark times ahead but knowing that I have heather in my life I know I will make it through! "